Strength Training, Without The Ego
One - to - One sessions in a private studio
Welcome to SM HIT Trainers!
Based in Stoney Stanton, Leicestershire.
Welcome to your future in fitness, the only protocol you will ever need for a great level of overall fitness that is so sustainable, you'll never want to stop.
Inspired by a method that is not only incredibly simple to follow, but the results are achievable for everyone, from senior citizens, to athletes, to Joe Bloggs 3 doors down.
We strongly believe that it can enrich everyone's lives regardless of the goal.
Maintaining a strong, healthy body is the key to a great quality of life at every age. Whether your 17 or 70, everyone can benefit from the smart, simple, sustainable training that we offer.

“Strength is the currency in which we live our lives, you don’t know how valuable it is until you lose it.”- Skyler Tanner
Why chose HIT Training above other training methods?
High Intensity Training is:
- SAFE - By avoiding fast, explosive movements and focusing instead on the quality of movements, the risk of injury is at a minimum.
- EFFICIENT - HIT training can be carried out by even the busiest of people. There is no need to be slogging it out in the gym for hours each day. By focusing our attention on the components for change, we are able to take out everything that is considered unnecessary in the current fitness culture.
- EFFECTIVE - Properly performed resistance exercise (HIT) is evidence based and proven to reduce fat, increase muscle mass and contribute to the maintenance and increase of bone mass plus much, much more.
In just 1 or 2 sessions per week, not only can you achieve healthy sustainable fat loss, you can gain many physiological and psychological benefits.
Why should you choose us?
Our qualification is certified by HITuni, an educational training source specifically designed for HIT training.
Having a specific interest and experience in this type of training, allows to offer a service that does not discriminate against age, current fitness levels or interests.
You don't need to have the speed of a sprinter, the coordination of a dancer or the strength of a bodybuilder to achieve a good level of overall fitness.
We have been trained by some of the best trainers in this field (U.K.) and continue to expand on a wealth of knowledge that is available on such a smart, simple training protocol.
We absolutely 100% believe that everyone has something to gain from properly performed exercise.
Contact Us

Huncote Road, Stoney Stanton
Leics, LE94DJ
FACEBOOK - SM Hit Trainers
“It can enrich everybody’s life. But it must be proper exercise – Exercise properly organised, properly supervised and properly performed.” – The Nautilus Book – Ellington Darden Ph.D.